Funded debt the debt of a business or government in the form of outstanding bonds and other long-term notes. 长期债务企业或政府以未偿还债券和其他长期票据形式承担的债务。
CLSA plans to create a private equity-type vehicle, largely funded by external investors such as pension funds, which will offer financing to companies in the form of convertible debt. 里昂证券计划创建一个私人股本类型的机构,主要由养老基金等外部投资者出资,该机构将以可转换债券的形式为公司提供融资。
These investments have largely been funded with debt. 这些投资项目主要靠借债来筹措所需资金。
Less liquidity, implying a higher fraction of long-term assets funded with short-term debt, raises profits but heightens exposure to sudden withdrawals and difficulties in rolling over debt. 流动性下降,意味着由短期债务提供融资的长期资产比例上升,这将提升利润,但加大了突然撤资的风险和循环还债的难度。
A key characteristic of both companies is the huge investment they have in very long-lived, regulated assets, with these funded by large amounts of long-term debt that is not guaranteed by Berkshire. 这两个公司的关键特点是,他们都大量投资受管制的长期资产,而他们通过长期负债取得的资金没有得到伯克希尔的担保。
Their cash-generative characteristics mean acquisitions can be funded with lots of debt. 它们产生现金的特性,意味着可以通过大量举债来为收购交易融资。
Chinese debt is already very high and growing much too quickly because ferocious investment growth funded by cheap debt is increasingly misspent. 中国债务水平已非常高,而且增长过快,因为在廉价债务融资的推动下,投资增长迅猛,造成越来越多的浪费。
Most of it is funded through domestic, not foreign, debt and controls on capital outflows ensure that domestic savers buy government bonds. 大部分公债的购买者来自国内,资本外流的控制措施也确保了国内储蓄者购买政府债券。
In Japan in the 1980s, corporations went on a similar spree of spending which was almost wholly funded by debt. 在上世纪80年代的日本,企业出现了类似的支出狂欢,这些支出几乎全部由债务来融资。
Young businesses tend to grow faster, she notes but in their early stages, they are often funded through the founder taking on personal debt. 她指出,新企业往往增长得更快,但在初始阶段,往往要依靠创始人的个人贷款提供资金。
Amortization of Discount on Funded Debt 长期债务的折价摊销
All this is obvious in theory – the theory being the famous Modigliani-Miller theorem, which shows that under certain conditions whether a company is funded by debt or equity makes no difference – but it also seems to be borne out in practice. 所有这些不仅在理论上明显可行著名的莫迪格利安尼-米勒(Modigliani-Miller)定理指出:在特定条件下,一家公司是债务融资还是股权融资并没有什么不同而且似乎也得到了实践的证明。
This chapter from the common law and civil law claims related to the state legislature funded study comparing attitudes of further legislative recognition that our country is the need of the times debt financing. 第三章债权出资的国内外比较:本章主要从英美法系与大陆法系相关国家对债权出资立法态度的进行比较考察,进一步得出我国立法上承认债权出资乃时代需求。
Secondly, because of the long investment horizon of the funded pension plans, government debt is regarded as risky assets here. 由于养老基金投资期限都非常长,所以本文计算时将政府债券视为风险资产。
Funded debt is part of company capital system and credit investment in modern society has access to means to become independent of the real right property forms. 在现代社会中,债权出资已经从获得物权的手段发展成为独立的财产形态。
Some claims State funding continues to be prohibited, but some national recognition of funded debt is restricted, or even recognize the legitimacy of the funded debt. 有的国家对债权出资仍然是禁止的态度,而有的国家对债权出资是有限制的承认,甚至是承认债权出资的合法性。